Examination preparation

Examination preparation

Departments should, in advance of the academic year in which examinations are due to take place:

  • Establish standing orders – these set the terms for the composition of the nominating committee and the number of examiners that will serve on the examination board.
  • Check and circulate examination conventions – these set out how examined work will be marked and how the marks are used to arrive at a final classification. They should be checked at the first meeting of examiners. 
  • Complete the assessment review – a review of the assessments and assessment structures must be completed via eVision each summer.
  • Appoint examiners – this activity is administered by the Examiner Appointments and Payments team, who will send out nomination forms for Chairs and Examiners, and make Assessor nomination forms available via WebLearn.

Colleges should:

  • Ensure candidates are entered for exams at the appropriate times and any necessary dispensations are applied for (eg students who wish to be examined under old syllabus)
  • Consider whether they have enough invigilators and book them onto training sessions.