Proctors' Office

The Proctors’ Office is an impartial and discrete institution within the University, with a scrutiny role focussed on:

  • Reviewing the application and observance of University legislation, policy and practice in governance and service delivery;
  • Inquiring into individual cases of possible non-compliance with University rules and regulations, departures from appropriate service standards and other problems with both academic and non-academic services to students;
  • Advising University members on fair and proper conduct of their business and activities.

The office carries out work in support of decision-making by the Proctors and the Assessor, who are senior officers and trustees of the University with a role of oversight and inquiry in respect of most aspects of University business. The work is primarily concerned with the student experience, in particular the conduct of examinations, services provided to students including teaching and supervision, and identifying appropriate responses to issues raised.



Tel: 01865 270276

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